Scoring Rules

Top 6 Predictions

Each prediction is worth up to 2 points:
2 points for perfect prediction
1.5 for 1 place away
1 for 2 places away
0.5 for 3 places away
0 points for 4 or more places away, or if the driver did not finish in the top 6
There is also 1 bonus point if you correctly predict the winner
Total 12 points + 1 bonus point = 13 points

Other Predictions

First Pit Stop
2 points for correct team and correct driver
1 point if you only get the correct team
Regular pit stop is one that is for the regular strategy. Pit stops under SC or VSC and pit stops related to retiring the car or damage (e.g. puncture or change front wing) are not counted.
In cases where everyone pits because of a SC, VSC or Red Flag everyone scores 0.

Number of DNFs
Number of DNFs is calculated as the number of "DNF" classifications on the official FIA race results. This does not include DNS or DSQ.

Season Scoring

Lowest Score
In the event a player or team misses a round, they will be awarded the lowest score that was achieved that round.
Teams or players who register after the season has begun will have the lowest scores backfilled after the first race they participate in.

Guide to Teams

This year, there is a new team's competition. You can register a team and then join it on the Register Page. Please note that the team's competition is optional, and you can participate in the form without being in a team!
Team's are formed of 2 players. Each week, the player's scores will be added up to form the team's score. The teams competition does not change your player's individual scores, it is completely separate. Teams will not be scored unless there are 2 players.
Team scoring can also be impacted by cards and casino:
At the beginning of the season, each new team will be given a set of cards which they can use to impact the scoring for that round.
  • Playing these cards will be done before the race (same as the form) through the Teams Page. Ensure they are submitted before the countdown runs out.
  • Play ONE card each round.
  • Each team is given:
    • 1x Aero
    • 1x Double
    • 3x Halo
    • 1x Report
    • 1x Swap
Cards remaining for each team is displayed on the Teams Page. This does not show cards played in the current round (they are hidden).
The description of how each card impacts the scoring is shown below:
  • Aero Upgrade: Both drivers will receive the higher of their 2 scores (e.g. if they score 14 & 22, team score will be 22 + 22 = 44)
  • Double Points: The points of the highest scoring team member is doubled (e.g if they score 14 & 22, team score will be 14 + (2 x 22) = 14 + 44 = 58)
  • Halo: Protect yourself from report or swap cards from being applied to your team.
  • Report: Report another team to the FIA, and their highest scoring driver will receive 0 (e.g. if they score 14 & 22, team score will be 14 + 0 = 14).
    Important to note, if a team is reported multiple times in a single round, that teams highest scoring driver will instead score double points!
    e.g. If two or more reports on the same team with score 14 & 22, team score will be 14 + (2 x 22) = 14 + 44 = 58. Keep this in mind when reporting the top team!
  • Swap: The team nominates another team they would like to swap points with. This is applied after any other cards. Swaps are applied in the order they were recieved.
Cards will be applied in the following order:
Aero, Double, Halo, Report, Swap.
These rounds occur during the Monaco and Las Vegas GP. During these rounds, no cards can be played.
In these rounds, the Casino will open instead of the card playing form. In the casino, you can bet some of your teams points on different questions, each with different odds. e.g. Lance Stroll finishes on the podium: odds 10:1
There will be 3 to 5 questions, and each one can have up to either 5 or 10 points bet on it.

Guide to Form

The individual competition involves predicting various questions and submitting the predictions before the race starts through the form.
The form is released after qualifying and at least 12 hours before the race.
Each race will feature:
  • Top 6 Predictions (13 points)
  • 10 random questions (first DNF, fastest lap, yes/no etc.) (~10-15 points)
  • Winning Margin Prediction (1 point)
Please read the Form Scoring Rules tab to understand exactly how the scoring works.
What is the submission/results/scoring process?
The form/team cards will close on the hour when the race starts! i.e. If the race starts at 11pm, the form/team cards will no longer accept responses at this time. Look at the countdown to see how much time you have left!
Results will be released as soon as practical (often races finish in the middle of the night, or waiting on websites being updated to see fastest pit stops etc.). Results can be viewed for all of the races in the 'Results' tab, as well as the season summaries.